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Writer's pictureSean Storer

Windshield Thermal Cracks - What To Know in AZ

Summer is here ... and unfortunately, so are a lot of damaged windshields. The reason?

Arizona's extreme heat and temperature changes can cause something called "thermal cracks" in windshields.

These cracks can be stress cracks or chip expansion:

  • Stress cracks: These cracks occur when the glass expands and contracts due to temperature changes, or when the glass is under pressure from torsional flexing. For example, suddenly turning on cold air conditioning in a hot car can cause enough stress to crack the windshield.

  • Chip expansion: Small chips can quickly turn into large cracks under thermal stress, especially in the intense Arizona sun. Often times, chips aren't even noticeable (they may be at the edge of the windshields molding), but when a hot windshield is met with sudden cold (a/c, or water from a hose), the chip can quickly expand to a crack.

To reduce the risk of thermal cracks, try parking your car in the shade to keep the glass and metal housing cool. Before washing your car, ensure that you've been running your a/c (or have been parked in the shade) first.

If you do find yourself with a damaged windshield, the good news is that Arizona has favorable laws for windshield insurance coverage and most people are fully covered, regardless of deductibles. Read the article on azcentral.com regarding "What you need to know about cracked windshield laws in Arizona."

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